The Casentino valley

You cannot talk about our company if you do not talk about the territory in which it is located.

We are located in the eastern part of Tuscany, in the province of Arezzo and specifically in Casentino.

The qualities of the flora and fauna are now protected by the Casentino Forest National Park.

Casentino is a valley surrounded by centuries-old Apennine forests; it is the birthplace of the Arno River, which originates in Mount Falterona and flows through the entire valley.


“A pristine territory…”

It is an area where a strong fascination of sacred entity is combined, given by the mystical places such as the Franciscan shrine of La Verna and the Hermitage of Camaldoli, and a fascination of secular entities, given by the numerous Medieval villages crowned with castles and towers marking the presence of ancient noble families.

In this area, still little known to the circuits of tourism, but very rich in history and culture, it has been possible to maintain and preserve the ancient crafts related to handicrafts, agriculture, animal husbandry and cuisine, rich in typical local products.

Today, LE SELVE DI VALLOLMO uses this knowledge and the bounty of the land to carry on its business in a sustainable way that helps keep the traditions of Casentino alive.

The company also raises and processes the famous Grigio del Casentino, a pig native to the area, from which the delicious Prosciutto del Casentino, which is a Slow Food Presidium, is made.